Importance of Emergency Food - PrepHaven

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Importance of Emergency Food

Getting Started with Food Storage

You need to be healthy and strong during an emergency, and food is the way to achieve that. However, during times of uncertainty, it can be difficult to obtain food from traditional sources, such as supermarkets. But if you have a store of food on hand, you can ride out nearly any emergency while staying fed. Consider your food storage to be a form of insurance; it’s there for when times get tough. Delivery trucks may have a hard time getting to your local grocery store due to disasters or even a worker’s strike. But if you have an emergency food storage, you will have food to rely on until things get back to normal. Likewise, a power outage can make it hard to cook the food in your pantry. Having freeze-dried food stored away will still allow you to eat a good, home-cooked meal – even without power. You may even find yourself without a job, but if you’ve been building up your emergency food storage, you can still feed your family with delicious, healthy meals until you can get back on your feet.

Not only can your storage save you in the event of a disaster, but it can also save you money. Your food can last for years, meaning as the standard cost of food at the grocery store goes up, your cost of food in storage stays low-priced.

Having extra food on hand is not only great for disasters, but every day cooking as well! Before you run to the store, take a trip to your food storage and start using the ingredients you have stored. After all, you’ll want to make sure you rotate some of your food storage, anyway, and everyday cooking is a smart way to do so.

The frequency you rotate the food in your emergency storage depends on the type of food it is. If you’re keeping food bought at a grocery store, it more than likely has a short shelf life and therefore needs to be rotated fairly often. Our Emergency food kits have aa much longer shelf life, up to 25 years! Just make sure you keep a record of all the food you have so you know when it’s time to rotate.

Our products are all made with the highest quality and you can rely on it for every type of scenario. Wether you are stuck in your home due to a snow storm, power outage, pandemic or any other event that may disturb the food supply chain. We have you covered!

Ready Hour - 72 Hour Kit (4 meals, 20 servings)


Ready Hour - Chili Mac Case Pack (8 servings)
