

What type of nutrition do you need?

What type of nutrition do you need?


Nutrients are substances that are absorbed by the body and are good for growth and development. In addition, they help maintain the body’s normal functions.

There are two different groups of nutrients:

  • Energizing nutrients: such as fats, proteins and carbohydrates. 
  • Non-energizing nutrients: these include vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

In addition to these, water and oxygen are also among the body’s most important nutrients. Among other things, water is important for the transport of nutrients in the body.

Good to know 

Your body needs a mixture of different nutrients every day for you to feel good. These nutrients are carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. If you eat a varied diet, you will get what you need.   Everyone needs to get energy and nutrition, but different people need to eat different amounts depending on how much you move and other circumstances. 

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy. They are found in food in various forms such as; for example. fiber found in fruits, vegetables, root vegetables, whole grains, cereals and groats. Starch found in, for example, potatoes and pasta. Sugar found in, for example, fruit, vegetables and dairy products, but also in soft drinks, juices, cakes and buns.

Proteins: Protein is the body’s building material. It is found in tissues, hormones and enzymes. Proteins also transport iron and oxygen in the blood and are important for, for example, skin, hair, eyes and nails. Good sources of protein include fish, meat, milk, cheese, eggs and grains.

Fat: Fat is divided into saturated and unsaturated fat. Saturated fats are found in butter, milk, cheese and red meat, among other things. Unsaturated fats are found in fish, olive oil, nuts and avocados. To reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, you should not get too much saturated fat as this increases the cholesterol level in the body. Unsaturated fat, on the other hand, works positively by lowering cholesterol.


Vitamins are needed, among other things, for the body to be able to use and use other nutrients in food.

Vitamin A: Necessary for eye function, but also for growth, development and to strengthen the immune system. Vitamin A can be found in oily fish, carrots and other vegetables.

Vitamin B: Vitamin B comprises eight different types of B vitamins and they are important for burning, concentration, hair and nails and for the burning of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Vitamin B is found in milk, whole grains, fish, eggs, green vegetables and meat.

Vitamin C: Helps the body’s cells and tissues and for the absorption of iron. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, fruits, berries, vegetables and potatoes.

Vitamin D: Bones and teeth need vitamin D. The body also needs vitamin D to be able to utilize calcium. Vitamin D is found in oily fish, milk and margarine.


Minerals, for example, are important for the skeleton, teeth, blood and muscle reflexes. They also regulate the amount of water and the pH value in the body.

Minerals: Calcium, iron, iodine, phosphorus / phosphate, selenium and zinc are important minerals that are not formed in the body but are obtained through the diet. Important sources of essential minerals are milk, meat, fish, eggs, fruits, berries, vegetables and nuts.

All food and drink except water, contains energy in varying amounts. But not all foods contain the nutrients that the brain and body need to function optimally.

There is no single food that contains all the nutrients you need. Therefore, you need to eat a varied diet. Try to eat fruits and vegetables, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins every day.


When you go hiking, it is easy to pack too much and too heavy. It is important to think about exactly what is needed and how much depends on how much time you should spend out in nature. Whether it is a multi-day trip or a day trip, it is important to pack easily and smartly. Here we share what may be needed.

  • Wool / synthetic underwear to wear closest to the body.
  • Shell jacket. (Choose a proper shell jacket that withstands both rain and wind)
  • Hiking shoes. (It is important to go in the boots properly at home before you go out, so you avoid chafing on the hike)
  • Extra socks. Use double layers to avoid chafing. (Invest in wool socks that insulate well and transport away moisture)
  • Hat and mittens. (It can get cold even in summer, especially in the evenings / nights)
  • Intermediate layer (Intermediate layer can be a fleece jacket, a thicker sweater or a thin down jacket)
  • Clean and comfortable clothes to change into, as well as extra underwear.
  • Soap that works for washing, cleaning and washing dishes.
  • Plastic bag for rubbish.
  • Seat or sleeping pad for the break.
  • Travel pharmacy and first aid kits, including abrasion patches.
  • Sunglasses, sunscreen and cap. (Make sure that the sunglasses are CE marked, which is a guarantee that they provide great UV protection)
  • Mosquito repellent.
  • Mountain map and compass.
  • Toilet paper + garden shovel.
  • Flashlight, headlamp.
  • Binoculars.

An important part of a hiking trip is cooking. It can make the difference if you have the physical strength, have the energy to cope with the climate and it has a big impact on your mood. Important things to keep in mind regarding food are weight, packaging and nutrition. The meals must provide energy and be simple and portable. Freeze-dried food is one of the better examples available, easy to cook, easy to carry and durable. Recommended to bring snacks in addition to their planned meals as well.

Utöver maten så är utrustningen lika viktigt, som förut så måste det inte vara för tungt men också hållbart. Dom mest populära stormkök är gaskök, spritkök och flerbränslekök. Mängden bränsle beror på hur länge man ska vandra och hur många det är i ett sällskap. Oavsett vilket kök man använder bör man alltid ha köket på en plan yta och se till att man har med sig ett underlag och ett vindskydd.

Here is another list of everything you need for cooking in addition to the food itself and the storm kitchen:

  • Plate
  • Cutlery
  • Pocket knife
  • Water bottles
  • Thermos
  • Kåsa / Mugg
  • Lighter / Igniter

Depending on whether you are going to camp, live in a mountain cabin or just out on a day trip, your needs may differ. But everything that is included here is necessary for you to be prepared and be able to enjoy your time in nature.

Crisis Information

When The Crisis Comes! Om Krisen Kommer is a brochure that was sent out to 4.8 million households in Sweden in connection with the campaign Crisis Preparedness Week (2018). The information was distributed so that the Swedish people would be better prepared for the consequences of serious accidents, extreme weather, IT attacks or military conflicts. The emphasis in the content is on how people can […]

When The Crisis Comes!

Om Krisen Kommer is a brochure that was sent out to 4.8 million households in Sweden in connection with the campaign Crisis Preparedness Week (2018). The information was distributed so that the Swedish people would be better prepared for the consequences of serious accidents, extreme weather, IT attacks or military conflicts. The emphasis in the content is on how people can prepare to be able to meet basic needs when important functions in society do not function as usual.

We all have a joint responsibility for crisis preparedness, but we also have a personal responsibility. The public sector must ensure that, among other things, electricity and telecommunications, water supply, transport and healthcare function.

When something serious happens, everyone in the vicinity has a duty to sound the alarm, warn and assist. Of course, one can never be fully prepared for a crisis because we can not know for sure how and when it will occur or what will follow. But it is possible to prepare.

For this to happen, there is a lot to think about, a lot you do not have to think about in ordinary life. Here you will find a list of what is important to have prepared before the crisis comes.

Food and water:

  • Filled 5-10 liter water bottles, calculate 3-5 liters of water per person and day. Set the water dark and cool.
  • Water purification tablets
  • Storm kitchen and T-red (fuel).
  • Thermos
  • Matches or lighters.
  • Food and drink that can be stored at room temperature, for example: canned food, dry food, such as powdered soups, dried meat, dried fruit, energy and protein bars, chocolate, nuts, freeze-dried coffee, tea, juice concentrate.

Protection and heat:

  • Blankets in the household, preferably woolen blanket or sleeping bag.
  • Warm clothing.


  • Flashlight, battery powered or with alternator / crank so you are not dependent on batteries.
  • Headlamp
  • Tealights and / or block candles.
  • Funeral candles for indoor use.

Medical equipment and hygiene:

  • First aid kit.
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Intimate hygiene, such as sanitary napkins, tampons, diapers.
  • Toilet paper
  • Alcogel
  • Dry shampoo
  • Wet wipes


  • Cash – if other payment systems do not work.
  • Identity card, driver’s license or passport.
  • Home pharmacies, for example: painkillers, charcoal tablets, fluid replacement and own medicine.


  • Multi-tool
  • Radio, battery-powered or with alternator / crank so that you are not dependent on batteries.
  • Batteries
  • Powerbank charger for mobile or charger with crank.
  • Canned opener
  • Games (card game, yatzy or any other game).
  • Important telephone numbers and addresses written down on paper.
  • Plastic bags in different sizes (to, for example, water / moisture insulate important papers and matches, etc. The plastic bags can also be used during toilet visits when the toilet stops working).

Keep in mind that:

  • Be careful when handling fuel and open flames indoors.
  • Do not let stoves or candles burn while you sleep.
  • Place candles far away from combustible materials such as curtains.
  • Place tea-lights sparingly in a candlestick that can not start to burn.
  • Do not place storm kitchens or camping kitchens on a bench with cupboards, or near the kitchen fan.
  • Open windows and ventilate occasionally. If you fire, it consumes a lot of oxygen.
  • If you live in a crowded area and have difficulty storing water bottles, for example, agree with your neighbours if you can have a common stock of water and blankets, among other things.
  • If you do not have the opportunity at all to be on standby in your own home, make sure you have a plan to transport yourself to a friend or relative who is on standby at home

Why is this information important? The information is a tool for you to be able to take your responsibility. If you are well-informed and prepared, you can act and help others if something happens. The responsibility for Sweden’s security and preparedness is common to everyone who lives here. But unlike many other countries, the Swedish state is not as prepared to help the population in times of crisis. If a crisis occurs, it is recommended to be prepared with food and water for at least 3 days as a private person, but depending on the crisis and everything that happens during that time, it may take longer before the state can help the population. You must be prepared for electricity, water and communication to go down for everyone. Then you should not only be prepared for yourself but others in your presence.